The Week of October 26th at Lupine Lane

Hello All! First, we would like to thank Miss Julie’s Learning Center and the Emmaus Catholic Church in Lakeway for having Lupine Lane at their Fall Festivals! We had so much fun decorating pumpkin totes, tie-dying, breaking the pumpkin pinata and offering our Kid Kits! What a fun weekend!

This is our last week of our French theme. We’ll finish up with a bit of Halloween fun!
Lil’ Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art
At Clay Madsen, we’ll be making pumpkin totes and ghostly prints with our feet!
At Lakeway and Steiner, we’ll be decorating pumpkins and creating pumpkin prints!

Lil’ Kinder Cooks and Kinder Cooks
At Clay Madsen, we’ll be making Boeuf Borguignon with Egg Noodles and Mousse (if time permits).
At Lakeway and Steiner, we’ll be making Halloween treats!

Lil’ Music Makers and Music Makers
We’ll finish up our with our French music and work on some more Halloween songs that we’ll use to talk more about tone.

The After School Supper Club
This week, we’ll be making Boeuf Borguignon with Egg Noodles and Mousse!

The Things They Say
“Certainly!” -Mackenzie, age 5