Happy Father’s Day!
“There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his children, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.” ~John Gregory Brown
To all of the Fathers overseas, we wish you a Happy Father’s Day and a safe trip home. You are always in your children’s hearts.
Thank you, to all of the Fathers, who have helped us become the people we are today. Whether we are 25 months old or 25 years old, you are and always will be our hero.
We’ll be at Miss Julie’s Learning Center’s open house this Friday after Kinder Cooks. We’ll be tie-dying our hearts out again! If you or anyone you know is looking for an incredible preschool, come on by and check out all of the fun at the open house!
Lil’ Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art
This week in Lil’ Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art, we will be making a “message in a bottle!” We’ll be painting cute, kid’s sized water bottles. Then, we’ll write or draw something special about ourselves to place into the bottle. Then, we’ll make a wind chime using sea shells and sea glass.
Lil’ Kinder Cooks and Kinder Cooks
In Lil’ Kinder Cooks and Kinder Cooks, we will be making our very own sushi! Sushi actually means “Sticky Rice,” so it does not actually need the raw fish to be classified as “Sushi.” The kids will have a chance to create a custom “maki” or sushi roll! We will learn about the different ingredients in sushi, including the special short grain rice, the “nori” or seaweed encasement, and the different vegetables and ingredients. The kids will use bamboo mats to roll their maki themselves! Then, the children will get a short lesson on using chopsticks from Mr. Carl. If there is time, we’ll try to make some fortune cookies!
Lil’ Music Makers and Music Makers
In Lil’ Music Makers and Music Makers, we’ll use “Marching Around the Alphabet” to practice our 4/4 rhythm. This song will be loads of fun as the children will demonstrate their knowledge of letter recognition! Then, we’ll practice our resting beat again, before introducing skipping beats with “The Horse Went Around.” Next, we’ll use “I am a Fine Musician” to practice our instrument recognition. Finally, we will use “The Popcorn Game” to practice our listening skills and applying sounds to interpretive movement. We will also review some songs from earlier classes.
Fun With Photography
In Fun with Photography, we will be using our backdrop again to take some group photos. The kids will frame the photo and then work with the self timer to get a picture of themselves. We will use the white background and lights to prepare for creating a high contrast image. Then, we’ll play freeze dance and encourage the kids to strike a fun pose when the music stops. We’ll then put the photos into Photoshop and create black silhouettes on color backgrounds. It’s sure to be a lot of fun! Check out our nature photo turned watercolor from last week below!

The Things They Say
“This is my everyday dress!” Mackenzie, age 4