Lil’ Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art
We’ll be going on a Safari this week! We’ll be making Safari Hats and a water color that surrounds an animal on our safari!
Lil’ Kinder Cooks and Kinder Cooks
This week, we’ll make Moussaka, which is a Greek beef and eggplant casserole with a thin white sauce!
Lil’ Music Makers
This week, we’ll learn some songs in Spanish as well as a new instrument recognition song!

The Summertime Supper Club
We’ll be making Moussaka, which is a Greek beef and eggplant casserole with a thin white sauce! And, for dessert, we’ll make Kourambiethes, which are butter cookies in powdered sugar.
The Things They Say
“Laurel, I love you, sister!” ~Hayden, age 2