This week, our Fine Art Classes begin! To register, check out our homepage and click the classes that you’d like to attend!
Exploring the Media Spectrum
This week, the kids will begin learning about hard and soft colored pencils and the different color value pencils can create.

Little Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art
This week, in honor of Texas Independence Day on March 2, we’ll create cowboy hats and shade in a map of Texas. We’ll locate Austin on that map!
Little Kinder Cooks and Kinder Cooks
This week, we’ll kick off Spanish/South American Month with Paella!
The After School Supper Club
This week, we’ll kick off Spanish/South American Month with Paella! We’ll also make Profiteroles for dessert!
The Things They Say
Lauren (Benjamin’s Nanny): “Benjamin, you are so smart and so funny!”
Benjamin: “And I’m cute, too!!” -Benjamin age 3 and 3/4