September: Art Inspired by Laurie Krebs, Indian Food, “Who Am I?” Unit and More!

Hello!  We will now be publishing a monthly (instead of weekly) blog.  We will include what is going on each month in classes and our Mother’s Day Out Program, as well as any special events!

Little Absolutely Art and Absolutely Art

We will be using Laurie Krebs’ children’s books about different places around the world to inspire our projects.  We will go to Mexico, Tanzania, Egypt, China, Brazil and Ecuador!

Fine Art Club

Miss Rebecca will introduce the artistic movements and artists that the kids will focus on for the first couple of weeks.  Kids will begin projects the first week.

Little Kinder Cooks, Cooking Around the World: Kinder Cooks and Young Chefs and The After School Supper Club

We will be making Indian Food, including Chicken Makhani, Matar Pulao, South Indian Shrimp Curry, Pork Vindaloo, Beef and Vegetable Samosas and more!

Fizzle, Bubble, Pop and Wow!

Miss Paula will go over basic science concepts during the first two classes this month by introducing children to exciting science experiments.

Gang Age Drawing

Miss Rebecca will present students with their sketch books and introduce foundational drawing principles in the first two classes this month.

Visual Story Telling

Miss Jessi will inspire the students to begin visualizing different story lines.  Students will begin to create images of their stories, which they will later compile into a storyboard and paint.

Tae Kwon Do

Mr. Chase will introduce some basic Tae Kwon Do concepts and movements during the first two classes.  The kids will also learn the Tae Kwon Do Tenants.

Mother’s Day Out

Our Mother’s Day Out Newsletter includes complete information.  We will be working from the “Who am I?” Unit of the International Preschool Curriculum.  The kids will gain an understanding of cultural and ethnic identity and learn to appreciate the characteristics of temselves and others.  Exercises will develop emotional skill and community cohesion.  Children will get to know their new friends as well as themselves through activities in this unit.  Literacy exercises will include name projects and an “All About Me!” book.  Mathematic concepts will be counting, establishing and extending patterns and collaborative graphing.  We will be cooking Indian food for Lunch!