Calendar 1 event found. Lunch Events Lunch Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Day List Month Day Today 10/23/2023 October 23, 2023 Select date. All Day October 23, 2023 Lunch: Fettuccine with Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce and Spinach Salard with Cilantro Pepita DressingSnack: Cucumbers with Avocado and Spinach Dip Previous Day Next Day Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
October 23, 2023 Lunch: Fettuccine with Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce and Spinach Salard with Cilantro Pepita DressingSnack: Cucumbers with Avocado and Spinach Dip