Blog Intentions

Hello All!

I hope you are doing well! The kids have all settled into a groove now, as have all of us big kids! We all really enjoyed the newness and discovery of the beginning of the year. This year especially, there is a lot newness: our original cottage, the extension, doubling in size this year after tripling in size last year with incredible children and staff, the SBA Loan process, the permanent build, permitting, an abundance of wonderful, new technology and so many more details. Over the past few years and now, I often think of Helen Keller’s sage wisdom: “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

While there is a lot cooking these days, the kids are always the first priority each day, and I’m so glad that we have a team of people who share this view. The kids have this beautiful, starry view of the world.  It is magical and heart-filling. Their enthusiasm for their school, all of the people inside of it–this loving, vibrant community that we are all a part of–is absolutely inspiring. Each day, we adults wake up thinking of each one of them and what we will do to ignite their minds and hearts. I feel so happy to be a part of a wonderful family of people that has a compelling urge to make each child and family feel welcome and nurtured and happy to be a part of this.

Even waiting in line to use the potty is made into a fun game with these two loves!
Even waiting in line to use the potty is made into a fun game with these two loves!

With that, I wanted to share my intentions for this blog this year. I would like it to be similar to each of the Online Journals in that I will use an authentic voice–which can be a bit–shall we say “sappy” at times, but I hope to use this as a forum to explain exciting things that are going at school, within the classes and within the Lupine Lane community in general. I will relate individual class curriculum to theory and current research. I will talk about emotional and social development and suggest some reading on different topics. I am excited to share what everyone is planning and doing at school and how things relate to development. I will also share school events, trainings teacher participate in and updates on the building progress!

Thank you all for your excitement, enthusiasm and general love for your children and the entire Lupine Lane Family! Sending a “virtual hug” to you all!

1 thought on “Blog Intentions”

  1. This is great, and I look forward to your updates and information! I’m still a little confused about the online journals for Hudson and how I’m supposed to know one has been posted. I know this was supposed to replace the “hard copy” book kids used to get, but I think the advantage of that might have been that as parents, it was easier to know when it was happening. Also, I really loved seeing the Robins curriculum (even though Hudson is an owl). I agree if we knew more about what the kids were learning, we could support it at home. (Unfortunately Hudson doesn’t give me much info, so sending him to school is like sending him into a black hole!) Thanks for all you do! Kendra Wright

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