Lupine Lane began with two people, Lauren and Carl. Now, we have grown to a wonderful, large family full of vibrant, accomplished people who have joined the team to cultivate the core philosophy every day. The term “the more the merrier” is incredibly apropos!
Click each person’s name to learn more about their dynamic education and unique experiences!

Donna Boyle

Phoebe Fishman
Assistant Director

Lauren Boyle
Founder, Curriculum Director

Carl Cates
Founder, Facilities Director and School Chef

Shay Suazo
The Flamingos’ Lead Teacher

Julia Enea
The Flamingos’ Assistant Teacher

Jill Howell
The Owls’ Lead Teacher, Extracurricular Director

Brittney Comer
The Owls' Assistant Teacher

Tara Steinman
The Peacocks' Lead Teacher

Shirley Prescott
The Peacocks’ Assistant Teacher

Nallely Maldonado
The Parrots’ Lead Teacher

Noelle Darilek
The Parrots' Assistant Teacher

Andrea Verde
The Penguins’ Lead Teacher

Natalie Walker
The Penguins' Assistant Teacher

Kim Neidel
The Hummingbirds’ Lead Teacher

Brylynn Townley
The Humingbirds' Assistant Teacher

Claudia Guerra
The Ducklings’ Lead Teacher

Mayerlin Lizarazo
The Ducklings' Assistant Teacher

Abby Gutzmer
Literacy and Math Coach

Brooklyn Fisher
School Cook

Jessica Polk
School Cook and After Care

James Boyle
Board President